Ameeva is this room, where I make music

But outside I’m Alex (Alex Bussé Santacruz, (he/him) 1998)


I’ve spent half my life obsessing over sound.

I guess it all starts with being quiet. Paying attention to the act of listening. What seems quite crazy to me is that one can find refuge in deep listening, and through it, understanding the most complicated emotions. Without the need to speak, just by listening.


The fascination with this phenomenon is what drives my curiosity and will to create.

To create music and manipulate sound, in order to generate these intimate spaces, where one can truly hear oneself.

Ameeva is an electro-acoustic composer envisioning music as the creation of intimate emotional rooms. Each composition serves as a chamber where listeners can explore the layers of their feelings, memories, and places, often beyond reach in their conscious state or hectic realities. 
With a focus on deep listening, tape looping, tuning and field recordings, Ameeva moves between musicality and noise, weaving intricate soundscapes of repetitive motives and human narratives. Aspiring to capture the poetics of sound.

Work & Collaboration

The latter has set me on its journey.

From releasing tapes, records, and performing live, to transitioning to the other side—creating listening spaces and hosting concerts for others to play. And throughout it all, crossing paths with wonderful people, some of them who have become real friends.

I believe in collaboration for the making of great art. Creative situations that couldn’t exist without bringing different minds into one place. That’s why besides my projects and solo matters, I like to connect my practice to the audiovisual medium, with attentive sound design and film scoring to enhance the scene, the character, or the storytelling.

Where I’m at

Current thoughts and inspirations


2024 started with a big change—I left Berlin, the city that took care of me and taught me so much over the last four years. After soaking up all it had to offer, I packed up and headed to the Spanish mountains, craving some quiet and clarity. I needed space to focus on the simple things and figure out what really matters. I’m hoping this will help me notice details I’ve been missing.


Lately, I’ve been really drawn to working with recorded sounds, especially those from nature. I’m fascinated by the idea of documenting our planet using field recording techniques. I’ve been thinking a lot about deep listening (shoutout to Pauline Oliveros), soundscapes, and other listening philosophies that emphasize paying close, horizontal attention to the sounds around us.


On the music side, I’m continuing to explore electro-acoustic composition, particularly the ways tuning systems and psychoacoustics can affect us physically and emotionally. Some of the artists who’ve been inspiring me lately are Maryanne Amacher, Eliane Radigue, Iannis Xenakis, Felicia Atkinson, Curtis Roads, and Francisco Lopez.


Going back home feels like a new challenge, too. I’m excited to contribute to the local scene, especially around Barcelona. I’m hoping to bring listening series, events, and other community gatherings to life through .apart, the record label I co-founded with my friend Javier Galindo.


Basically, I’m just planning to keep doing what I love most—spending my time and energy on music, sound, and connecting with people.