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![[importó-el-guión 2-.jpeg]]
if you are new here,
my name is Alex
i do music,
i sculpt with sound,
i find peace and clarity in writing,
i find joy scoring scenes
i even like capturing scenes
this site is meant to be both my personal vault and the repository of my work. In other words, an extension of myself that rests in the internet - ~~*this is also my 4th websiteDAMN, i hope is finally the good one*~~ (i do have a good feeling)
i will treat this space with honesty and creative freedom. As a hub for all I do and want to do. And a channel for you, to find whatever you are looking for
feel invited to explore the different pages and sections of this space. Some of them carefully curated, some other raw and experimental
if you like my work, complementary to this website there's a [Patreon](https://patreon.com/ameeva?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink); a more interactive and intimate space, aimed to support my life as a musician and build a community with you
i hope this is the beginning of the road i've been wanting to take for a long time. That you find something useful, taking what you need. Letting go the rest.
thank you for being here. the space is yours
feel hugged,
4th february 2025,
somewhere in the mountains, Spain